Month: December 2019

When It Comes to Blood Pressure, How Low Is Too Low?

Orthostatic hypotension, meaning a fall in blood pressure with standing, is an underrecognized cause of faints and falls in the elderly. Risk of traumatic brain injury and hip fracture is substantial and can increase mortality. Parkinsonism and diuretics used for hypertension or heart failure predispose. Midlife hypertension is a powerful risk factor for ischemic and… Read more »

How Many Are Too Many?

Whether alcohol promotes or prevents dementia has been studied for years but results are conflicting. A new study tries to resolve the issue by looking at 3000 people (median age 78 and a 6-year follow-up), and separating them into two groups, with or without baseline mild cognitive impairment. For the cognitively unimpaired group, no amount… Read more »